Friday, December 30, 2011

A new beginning

As the new year is just know at the door and the current year is just on the verge of saying good bye I sit and wonder about how my world has come about a full circle.The beginning was pretty dynamic the hope that every beginning brings the finality that a end carries with it seems to be missing. Sometimes though the finishing line has been reached at you dont want to accept it when you have lost the race. Its when you sit and the stands and see the winners exhibiting their happiness that you realize it is over. Either you sit there and curse the universe for your fate or you go and stand at the start ready for another race. Determined that this one you are going to win.
I stand today at the start ready to set and go, looking at the smiling faces around me, with a big smile on my face, ready to once again run with destiny and fight it for my share of victory

Thursday, August 18, 2011

a question.....

I must have never questioned my faith as much as I have in theses past few months, sometimes you misjudge the importance of something in your life and then you stand at the crossroad when you have staked it at the table of life and you have lost. At that moment you dont know which way to take the one less traveled by seems as good as the one which is tried and tested. Its a place where you never thought you would find yourself, and nothing you have ever experienced will ready you for it. yet you stand staring at the road ahead asking your heart to show you the way. You have a very nasty doubt that your heart is probably changing color and you cannot listen to it anymore. From here the journey is alone, desperately you look up for the directions you have got till now and you draw a blank. Right wrong simply just seem muddled up right does'nt hurt ego does and you wonder if its your ego knocking at your heart and tearing your heart apart. Is it fair that every time i have to look inside my soul for a ego that may not always exist does it hurt enough maybe it doesnt does it have to. Perhaps the need to find fault within myself every time helps to forgive does the fault exist. Cant I forgive without finding a fault that exists within me that's something that would make you a good human being. I cant where does that put me as a person there are some questions to which you get answers when you are no longer looking for them and this question seems exactly to be the one.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I ma absolutely at a loss, the feeling of not knowing is the worst of any emotion which could arise in your soul. The possibility of not knowing from where the next batch of self earned money is going ton come is a pretty scary proposition especially for somebody like me who has always been the one who has fulfilled every missing gap. As things take their own sweet time, I wonder where will be the next stop. Its a place where I find myself every two years. Not a a very happy place to be if i could help it. I dont like change like most hapless human beings its mostly shoved down my throat most of the time I like the taste but there are also some of those times when I absolutely detest it. I wonder how its going to taste this time though I am not liking what is being presented currently. Its a matter of time that is what everybody is saying but what if there was no time, what if this was it time had arrived and it had arrived with nothing in its hand, with nothing to offer.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

self sustainence

The ability to self sustain is the most valuable one will ever learn. Though the learning process will have tears rolling down your eyes, its worth it. It may severe the softness and harden the soft tissues of the heart but then one will never hurt again. For somebody who has such a low threshold for pain it is a valuable lesson.

Friday, June 03, 2011

circle of life

I dont think u ever get to leave the circle u begin life with its like a dog catching his tail. Your whole life you try bypassing the path and cut across to a life you want but you inadvertently end up circling again. Before you realize the futility of it its time to say goodbye your feet just get old and one day u stop circling and thats the end of the repetitive journey

Thursday, January 20, 2011

single life adiue !

I must have dreamed about this day a million times for the past 29 years of my life but today as I spend the last few hours of my single life it all seems just perfect. It seems very weird when I use the word perfect in describing this decision it was always the most imperfect decision and the most
imperfect person. But then as I type out these few words as a a bachelorette the person is the most
ideal and the life circumstance right too. Right now the only thing that comes to my mind is " the zahir " one has to travel a whole journey around the world to find what is valuable just by his side.