Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My beef with you.....I guess Frogs will have to do

I am scared to post a picture of a lovely beef stake that I ate in Bali. A free citizen of my country and my heart flutters thinking of the repercussions which could be violent. The death of a person for eating meat is something that is still difficult to digest. Along with the fact that a public out cry was needed to make arrests.
This smell of riots that tore Mumbai apart fills the air and our hearts and I wonder how far are we from that one matchstick which will set thousands of innocents on fire because the government is not taking the necessary steps to dampen the ambers of hatred.
It is completely beyond me why would any government in its  sane mind allow a situation to exist which in the long run could lead to wide spread violence is a cow more important that a person ?
In a secular society why is there any space for religious preference.....

India continues to be one the leading beef exporters in the world, so it s quite possible that the beef I ate in Bali came from India. Now I wonder what sort of logic is applied to this beef law passed on religious sentiments in India and what exactly is its goal ? sentimental or business ? more beef more export hence more money to the business owners.

Maybe we need to start eating frogs tasty creatures tried them will they be cheap ?

In this whole circus.....the loss.... of the common citizens of livelihood, of affordable food of the right to live.

Dandiya one of the most colorful and cosmopolitan festivals in India is now tainted with anti communal sentiment. In Gujarat Muslims and Christians are not allowed to participate unless they convert.
The fact that something like this has been said is not surprising the fact that no action has been taken against VHP is what has surprised me the most.....

I am a Indian my culture my soil is very dear to me. I am also a christian. My faith and my Nationality have nothing to do with each other. I have been proud of my country, the so called lifestyle of the first world countries has never appealed to me.

But today I wonder what kind of future does my country offer me ? My heart pumps faster than needed as I write this post....one filled with fear and hatred where Indians are being manipulated like puppets and sacrificed at the alter of politics.