Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The Dark Mirror

Looking at the mirror you see a reflection looking back at you.
You look at it more closely and you find the minor flaws the mar your presence.
You want to look away but they have you in their grasp totally controlled and absorbed.
You look back. Will they still be there or perhaps they have disappeared. Magic. You want to believe. Its a wish that is wished by each human being that breaths on this planet.
Can you hide them behind a mask or some very affective concealer that you get in the market. Ofcourse you can and You do. Then..... in the night when you sit in half light trying to look away from the mirror that lures you with hope of give in.
Eyelids flutter with anticiaption as you flirtingly look at the shadowed mirror
playing hide and seek with your own image. You are sizing up your oponent staring back at you from the transparent glass. You are waiting for him to make the first move. You wait but nothing happens. There is silence around you.
Within you there is a storm. Breathing, smouldering,bellowing. A few more moments and you would explode. Time is getting heavy now and you cannot stand the mystery anymore. You need to know now ! its okay if nothing is left with you but accute disappointment.
You are ready to pay the price. In one swift motion you turn. You are standing face to face with you. The scars hit you with the force and sharpness of the december wind and you are gasping for breath. You immediately look away and close your eyes. The ugly will go away. This time you dont.
You look at yourself as you never have before........ with acceptance.

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