Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Expectations Hmmmmmmmmmm

Dont expect from the world. Possible ? I really hope that it was a achievable proposition.
There is expectation of life even from the transparent air we breath, then how can you
not expect from the living beings we see and feel. Every move, every gesture , every word
begins a avalanche of emotions that do not stop at just being. The latch on to your carpet
of thoughts and lead you to a selfish universe called need. Well I have tried battling it fighting it but to no avail. I wonder if it is a personal failure as a human being. Not being able to grow beyond the obstacle of me and live a life for you. I think being truthful to yourself is the most important thing in life. Not that easy but then come on who are you kidding ! and if you have a bad sense of humour then toh you are gone!

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