Monday, January 16, 2012

looked back over my shoulder,
to catch the rays of the sun,
hoping for a brightness capsuled in a thread,
the desire of a human is always to want the best,
sometimes its a interpretation that is not always right for your health,
it took just a blinking and darkness caught my eye,
the hope for a glow of sunlight turned into the despair of the inky sky,
a moment that exists now can never be revisited back, if you look over your shoulder,
you would find a twisted right,
then perhaps you rather hold the sunlight in your heart,
the need to look at the reality could end up destroying the image of the light,
a moment is lived through eternity if it resides in your heart,
dont bring it to life in a world past its prime,
the light shall me born again but first the night has to dawn,
it may be of a different hue and could dance a different dance,
but it still would be sunlight that would warm your cold wooden heart.

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