Saturday, January 11, 2014

Are you happy

I have to check myself every time I begin writing on a blank page. It always begins with " Its amazing ". That is what life means to me. In a world that increasingly becomes insecure with every growing want, my world still revolves around the pani puri at the corner of the street. Isnt life that simple. Apparently its not, its very complex, this I dont understand I have tried to, life gets better with money thats what I have been  told with every medium out there that can communicate to you.  
Happiness, I was happy before and I did not have money, I had people. The book says that every era goes through a life cycle of birth, growth and death. We are in the era where this world is dying the kalyug. 
Why are we like this, why is there so much selfishness, why cant we see anything beyond what we want what we need what we have and what we have not.
We dont need love anymore, we need that expensive car, we need to be sexually satisfied, we need
power over another we need those expensive clothes, we need that vacation in Ireland. I dont understand this it is complex for me. I don't see you happy. You need all this to be happy right. What are you ? 
why r you a rapist, why are you a swindler, why are you a abuser ? why are you a selfish human being.
 Are you happy ?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Money really fools you into believing that world is better when you get enough of it.. but funnily,it's never enough.

Why then, this chase?