Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Its amazing how sadness motivates me to write.
I guess how much ever I deny it I am a sadist.I am writing today and I am not happy about it.Life is like a desert and happiness is like the oasis you meet on your journey.The sooner I accept it the better.YOu cannot stop your journey and stand by the water forever.You have to keep on moving "there are miles to cover before you sleep."The biggest mistake that man makes is to believe that the oasis is their destination.Its when this belief blows away in the desert storm that you wake up to the reality of life.Your feet become heavy and your will dies.The warm breeze drains you of your strength to go on.But you have to.There is no choice but to carry your cross.You are the chosen wanderer who does not have the permission to stand constant.The only thing thats consistent in your life is you.The rest are moments of clouds who shelter you from the scorching heat of life.They come and bring a moment of relief.You smile with a sigh and before you know they move to another place in the sky and you are left staring at the grinning sun above.
You are born alone and you die alone.Your whole life is spend in trying to garner people arround you who can give you the most sought after commodity COMPANY.You cant live life without people thats impossible.But you should live life without any expectations from them.Its this expectation that leads to disappointment.A feeling that leaves you with a void.A emptyness that is more cold than solid ice.
You are a human and expectation is a living testimony to that fact.Sometimes I think when god threw adam out of eden it wasnt death that was his punishment it was the seed of expectation

1 comment:

Pritika said...

profound thoughts there...especially the last line that talks about adam's punishment, the seed of expectation is what we often cal 'hope', i sometimes think if it wasn't there (like the time we were kids), lie could have been more peaceful, but then the realities of life are so harsh that in expectation we find a reason to go on. Life can be quite disillusioning at times, but every moment is a gift, because your shitty life can get worse and you have to eat your words, its happened before. Life's still awesome :) have a good one!