Monday, May 21, 2007

Juilet Dies

Often I wonder whether I have got the definition of love right.
I guess you define love with your first encounter of unrepressable emotions and flowing hormones.When it doesent matter if you have to compromise on things like self respect and mental balance.I guess love is a kind of a madness .The helpless juliet as she sits next to the corpse of her beloved Romeo is the perfect expression of love at its majestic bloom.The inky oblivion above is a mute spectator to the death of hope and emotion.
As helpless as the beauty beneath its wings.
Drops of stars trail down sparkling with the intensity of pain that is shooting in the bosom of the fair lady.The night is accusing itself of causing its sinister shadow of darkness to envelope the light of love.A fight for togtherness,a battle nearly won and then lost to that fatal moment.
When love is shown a mirror.
She realises that her reflection is nothing,but a mysty shadow of nothingness.
She stands there searching for love to stare back at her hold her gaze and take her on a walk on a bed of roses.Where reason stands still and hope takes a flight of fantasy.Standing there till her legs go numb and her heart beats with a intensity that threatens to steal her breath from her cold numb frame. But wait she must till the end of eternity and even then the warmth of love will evade her.Her gaze is turning into a rock and her expectations are being captured in her glistening body.They are expensive diamonds her dreams.
There she will stand forever lost in yesterday evading today and forgetting tommorrow.
Can there be a hell greater than the one in which she rots now.Where she cant live nor can she die.A situation that is written in books and essays lives in the life of the one who loves.Is there not any penance that lifts this veil of turmoil from her life,I will walk till the corners of the earth and cross the seven seas.If only my love holds my hand once again and looks into my eyes and professes love eternal.Let my heart skip a beat once again,let me want to live in his arms forever, let me feel his heart beat next to mine dancing to the rythum of its beat.Let him hold me in his arms and let me die in contentment.
Alas I stand looking into a empty glass frame.With bitterness seeping into my soul.Slowly dissolving into my inner being and transforming the sweetness into a potion of hatred and destruction.The process is leisurely,taking it own time slowly rubbing the ingredients of pain into every opening in the soul The burning sensation murders every expectant flower of feeling and lays it to rest on the shoulder of hope.There she stands stripped of every garment of blush and bloom,shivering in the cold of loneliness,a icey breeze sends her gasping for breath and she tries to bring some warmth from the recesses of memory when she was basking in red and pink.The picture is very hazy and the face distant.
The colour of love is hers finally as it escapes her body and spills into her palms,
looking into the glassy eyes of her life she finds her dreams fly on a rainbow as the coldness is replaced by the warmth of the nectar of life as she sprays
it on her concrete frame infusing the blue with vivacious red.

As you lie in my arms,
A sigh escapes my lips,
A hope of tommorrow dies in todays dreams,
If you could just live for a moment more,
I would die in your love and live in eternity forever more.

1 comment:

Vidushi said...

Is WOW an appropriate comment?