Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ego is I

A rich tycoon murders his watchman with his car because he was a few minutes late in opening the gate. Patience, love, compassion seem to be dying so is perhaps our humanity. we award anger with recognition, the famous Arnab Goswami is a living example.

Have you checked recently ? where do you stand on the anger scale.

The beast awake,
I sleep,
looking at me my self curls in fright,
destruction dances on the table
reasons not needed
ego is all that I am
hate does not exist,
anger rides on pride,
the havenots become nothing but fodder,
they live in a space that does not exist,
anger is a privilege to them
death due to reason a consolation prize,
nothingness comes to those who live under a line
which defines poverty
They die as the dirt trampled by the prized bull in a fight

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