Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Scientology, Us and Him

It is no new fact that religion is the biggest high on this planet. This invisible shield of security created by affirmation of a unseen kind has the strength to build out of nothing and break into nothing.
Science has a explanation for everything from cause to effect. Yet they come and stop at the very beginning. In every religion the existence of pure is emphasized a million times its this pure which brings calm to the storm which is our life.
Scientology talks about the same pure energy and we a experiment gone awry like a artificial intelligence which was created and then usurped the original existence too. Its the same concept Greeks, Indian, Europeans all talk about the same concept of the universe beginning from one pure thought and then getting muddled into a mass of filth which we are.
I would like to believe that I am a spiritual person my foundation is my belief in a entity who knows all and has seated in me a conscience which is my guiding light. As India grapples with the sickness of barbaric rape of not only women but children I once again come and stand at the same crossroad of why would a god who so loved the world that he sacrificed his only son let this happen.
Somewhere deep down my day begins with the thought what if something happens to me that breaks this cocoon of belief around me, what if one day I wake up and face the stark reality that we are all part of "truman show"
Do spiritual people even question ?  In this life when you are a whirling mass of emotions, contradictions, habits and compulsions the most important commodity is the calm that presides over your heart. The effect zen of babaji ki booti twenty four seven without any side effects. 
The taking away of this zen can be a very alarming circumstance. Though I strongly believe that any individual who resorts to being an asshole in the name of this zen has not found it. That is just another story of ego and manipulation.
Cause and effect is what this whole world stands on, science and religion both come and agree on this one point, karma, as you so so shall you reap, the cause and effect we understand is justified the ones we dont are not.
In these millions of years that we roam the planet, our actions are multiplied a number I cant even arrive at. What can be cause of what we do today ? actions in these few years or the millions that we have been part of. Many religions do not believe in the being reborn, Some believe that we are born again through our belief in god and that sets all things right.
Cant it be possible that the poor god " Maker " of us gave us more credit than we deserve. He could not ever imagine that after showing us the easy way to do things we still would want to go and do the shit that gets us into trouble. We may get better but getting completely cured is a long way ahead.
The hangovers have reduced to once a year from every weekend but they are still there, the whiskey is replaced by wine and not water.
The virus in our system is pretty deep and maybe it may take a few more years for it to be weened out. But we need to have faith, in ourselves and that maker who took a huge risk by making us against all fore warnings. Making us in his image, giving us his breath of life which attached him to us forever. Shit can go out of his hand because of the complex threads of cross connections we have created by refusing to clean up fast, but he still tries, sometimes he cant help us and has to stand at the sidelines as we bear the effect, but it does not mean that it hurts him less after all there is a part of him in us.
Our faith should not stand on a rainmaker our faith should stand on a path which takes us to the rainmaker, a road which is a long difficult journey ridden with obstacles some which we know of some of which we are not aware about. Our faith is the thread in the den on the centaur which will get us out to the light. In that journey we will find shade in the calmness of loving clouds and sometimes there will be nothing but scorching heat. In these moments we need to remember the joy of rain on the journey and the fact that if it exists at the end of the storm there will be a rainbow.

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