Monday, February 15, 2016

The JNU Debate

I write about things I understand to write about kashmir is something that I believe is a right a non kashmiri does not have.Its a situation which is very complicated. Being able to see in a fog is nearly impossible. Kashmir is living in a fog of isolation, ignorance and even abuse.
All countrymen are my brothers and sisters is a proclamation easy to say than live.
Every government in power has fucked up from the moment we got independence to now.....
Except being gods gift to mankind Kashmir economically kashmir seems to be a pretty maiden who has nothing to offer but the serenity of her beauty and purity of soul. I guess which was not good enough for the custodians of bharat mata to haul up their skirts and go to war each and every time she was abused by those across the border and inside it too.
It is a college, a place of education , personally I do not understand the connection of politics and education...but even if a child says something stupid you do not haul his ass to the police station.
They have been forfeited by their countrymen and their country why do you then expect them to have a sense of patriotism ? what are we doing for them even now ?
Infrastructure is still a long way... and daily life includes the fear for life itself. So some guys got all rilled up, when you have nothing to live by except a sense of hatred for the most basic rights denied to you , A explosive reaction full of hatred is something that you should not be surprised about....
If all my countrymen are my brothers and sisters then before you get all agitated about things said about your country first find out what your fellow countrymen are going through and what you can do about it...If you cant do anything then support them while they fight for their basic right to be heard.....even if its a philosophy you dont understand....
Terrorism exists as a answer to fear and desperation......It wont when the answer is understanding, solidarity.....

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