Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday Blues

I am not cut out to write stories not like i will not be able to but because i do not have the patience.Actually its pretty depressing I mean I always thought that it would come effortlessly.
But sitting in one place for a long period of time punching in words constantly trying to put put my dreams onto paper.Thats a Effort. Have concluded that i like my dreams in my mind space
totally untangible.Paper and black ink makes it look all real i dont like it.
But will attempt it nevertheless,dont like the sound of CANT.
I hate the whole world today.I guess not hate,just cant stand it today.would like to stay at home
and stare at my new BIG television.Have been like that for soemtime actually a week totally

The colour that i would actually like in my life is the colour RED.

1 comment:

livinghigh said...

ahoy there ms madness. and how goes the all encompassing Times of our lives? *grin*
i really shud stop being sarky these days, na?! ;-)